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A singular detail in the garden ‪#‎wattpad‬

A singular detail in the garden ‪#‎wattpad‬

John and Brenda Koldowsky lived in a beautiful wooden house. Up the street. Almost at the feet of the hill. It was a strong walking uphill difficult to access. Three houses down lived a retired professor Ralph Bradwin.
At the time I was the detective Raymond Chester Jr. And I had an office in the center of the quiet town of Pulp Pulp.
Both Koldowsky family and the professor were my long-standing acquaintances. Furthermore that was one of the biggest cases of my career as a detective in that place, connecting the two residences. And a lady who was passing through town. Her name was Pamela Himes.
The famous disappearance of Edgar.
For a quiet town where nothing ever happened that was a great tragedy.
Mainly because he was too young. Edgar had been adopted by Koldowsky family. They liked to call him "Junior."
And that's how it all started.
The next day after the storm, the phone rang.
I answered.
- Hello - I said.
- Detective Raymond Chester Jr.? -  asked a female voice.
- Yes, speaking – I Said – Who is talking?
- It’s Brenda Koldowsky.
- How can I help you Mrs. Koldwsky?
- Junior has disappeared!
- Has he really disappeared? Have you already searched around the neighborhood?
- Yes, sure! You need to come. It's urgent! Our Junior disappeared.
- Calm down lady, I'm on my way.
- We're desperate! You need to come soon.
She hung the phone up.
It appeared to be very serious. I hung the phone up; I grabbed my coat and my detective hat. And moved toward the Koldwskys’ house.
Five blocks walking through the mud and debris that the storm had spread. Fallen trees in the street, tiles, pieces of windows, boards, a headless teddy bear. It looked like the scene of a war zone. People over the roofs of houses. Stretching tarps to protect themselves. It was very sad.
A lady was coming down the street toward me; she looked worried and too hasty. She passed me and bumped into my shoulder. Almost knocked me down, and continued down toward the center. I stared at her as she continued walking. That lady was an outsider; I had never seen her before. My detective instinct said that there could be something related to the case.
But I could not go back and stop her. I kept on walking to the Koldowsdys’ house.
Brenda received me at the front door of her house. She had dark circles and her tears flowed freely.
- Mrs. Brenda... I said.
- It's his fault! She said.
- Whose fault is it?
- It’s John’s fault. He never liked Junior.
John was behind her and argued:
- Brenda, my Dear, I loved Junior, you cannot say that.
- Good morning, Sir!
- Good morning, detective!
I had already my second suspect. I just needed to find a reason. Well, Brenda had said he did not like Junior. But would that be a good reason?
- Friends, we have to calm down - I said – Have you seen a lady who has just walked down? Do you know her?
John was quiet and wondering.
- You mean a young lady who has just walked down?
- Yes, that’s right. Do you know her?
- That is Pamela Himes. She is Professor’s niece.
There was something wrong, the Professor was not Himes he was Badwin. I knew it because I had read his name on the mailbox while I went up the street.
- Are you sure John?
- I do not know Chester, it was what she said, when he came here at our home.
- Hmmm. I thought while wondering how suspicious that seemed to be.
As we talked the old professor came out in front of his house and stood there watching. He seemed very curious. I made a sign for him to come up the street.
- Good morning, Neighbors! Good morning, Detective. He said.
- Good morning Professor Ralph - I said - and how is your niece?
- My niece Pamela? A little frightened because of the storm. She has just gone down the street.
- Pamela Himes?
- Yes, she is my sister’s daughter. Carson Himes is my sister’s husband.
It made sense. For now, I would rule out the suspicion of the lady.
- Do you like Junior?
- What kind of question is that, Detective?
- Just answer me!
- I have nothing in favor nor against Junior. As long as he does not invade my yard.
I felt in his reply that there was some resentment. The girl was free of suspicion. But the professor had just entered the list.

The Koldowskys’ garden was a mess because of the storm. Several broken branches trees were scattered across the lawn. Even the little angel statue that was near the door had fallen. As it was beside me I used it as a support.             I stepped on it to rest and relax my leg. My varicose veins were killing me. I had to keep my leg slightly bent. That statue was good enough.
Brenda started crying again and John tried to make her feel better by hugging her and speaking words of comfort.
The professor realized I was looking at him suspiciously. He had become the number one suspect of my list.
- You are thinking I have something to do with the disappearing of Junior, aren’t you?
- You are saying that professor, not me!
- That is ridiculous!
Brenda stopped crying and said: - He never liked Junior either!
I started to figure out that Junior did not have many people who admire him. Apparently no one liked him.
- Mrs. Brenda...You cannot be accusing everyone without having evidence. I said.
- But none of them liked him.
- I will strive my best to solve this case but I shall advice you to stop accusing people without evidence.
- All right, detective. John said.
I needed to go back to the office to put things together. But before leaving the place I decided to lift up the angel statue.
It was a shock for everyone. Edgar, as they used to call “Junior” had been smashed by the statue. The young guinea pig was dead.
He probably had run off during the storm and by a misfortune of destiny his death was caused by an accident. The case was solved.
My name is detective Raymond Chester Jr. And this was the biggest case of my career as a detective in the small and quiet town of Pulp Pulp.

The End.

A singular detail in the garden - John and Brenda Koldowsky lived in a beautiful wooden house. Up the street. Almost at...


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Forma ou fôrma - qual o correto?

As palavras  forma   e   fôrma   existem na língua portuguesa e estão corretas. Podemos utilizar a palavra forma (com a vogal o aberta) como sinônimo de feitio ou para referir a forma conjugada do verbo formar e as palavras fôrma e forma (com a vogal o fechada) como sinônimo de molde. A utilização do acento diferencial é facultativa desde a entrada em vigor do Novo Acordo Ortográfico.   Exemplos – forma (timbre aberto):  Mexer é a forma correta de escrita desta palavra, porque é com x e não com ch.  Sua boa forma é invejável!  A professora forma a fila dos alunos no pátio da escola.  Exemplos – forma (timbre fechado) ou fôrma:  Você tem alguma forma de bolo para me emprestar?  Você tem alguma fôrma de bolo para me emprestar?  Este sapato tem uma forma pequena.  Este sapato tem uma fôrma pequena.  Antigamente, o acento circunflexo era usado para diferenciar a palavra forma (o aberto) da palavra fôrma (o fechado). Contudo, a reforma ortográfica de 1971 aboliu a utilização de acentos

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