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A vacant apartment

Friday night, in Porto Alegre. The movement goes busy with weekend of the possibilities. Still I sit in my corner of the bar, the warm beer in the cup and the ashtray overflowing. It could be a pub anywhere, but was in the same building as the pre-college preparatory course. Always bored with classes and all the energy of the cram school teachers. As fun beings convincing us that it all makes sense. I need many things and everything they offer me, are more things to pass the time. The great significance of life, find things to pass the time.
The waiter knew me about six months, every night was my first stop at the office building. But still did not know the names. I never gave much importance to names, people go by and I'm going through. Nothing major, nothing permanent.
Two beautiful girls in the door, dressed in clothes of a night of Friday, and makeup Friday. Went from table to table and all over the counter, carrying small flyer. They stopped for a second addressing people and distributing your flyers and smiles. My table was the last, an invisible table. But the girls found me and were planted in front of me with beautiful smiles and seductive looks. I wondered what it would cost to play.
- Hello all right! The blonde said.
- Want to go to a party? The redhead asked.
I continued my drinking warm beer and looking at them, the game is simple, get some beautiful and seductive girls, the communicative type, drop some flyers and have them move the bars near the cram schools or campus, always work. They will convince you that night you are lucky and they want to stay with you. But do not kid yourself it's just part of marketing. Most likely that can happen is you go to a party and find a legion of guys alone, which as you also believed that drew the winning ticket. But the advice and never Use Are you always want to be deceived. I did the best I could.
- All great, where is the party? I said.
- It is near here, in the very center. The blonde said and reached the pamphlet.
I took the pamphlet and looked in detail, the side that was printed and the side that was blank.
- Cool! I answered.
- You have to go will be very good today, is party architecture. The redhead said.
It could even be cool, on a winter night, with rain and all. The possibilities seemed to be so cool. But they were really cool. And they could have more. We returned to the marketing problem. I knew it was just an illusion. I'll be damned. - I thought.
- What time begin? I Asked.
- Eleven! They answered together and animated, started laughing.
Like entered the bar, left, always wasting joy and a world of possibilities. But they were already in college and I still could not even attend classes in prep school. Those were college women and party. Girls to daddy's boys and not a misfit like me. I stared at the mirror on the wall on the other side, and what I saw. A guy hairy, with a messy hair, unshaven, wearing a dirty and faded jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, which looked like it had just been thrown over the four or five days ago, and thin skin a yellowish white tone. How long it's been, not caught a little sun? I thought.
The waiter came and cleared the table, changed the ashtray and asked: - One more beer boss?
- How much should I? I said.
I closed the account and goes to class, there was still time to attend half of the class. I walked to the elevator and waited. Looking at the pamphlet and thinking it might actually be a winning ticket. Who knows at least that would be a lucky night. The elevator doors opened and people came out like animals fleeing a slaughterhouse, hasty, going over everything. I realized it was my class. I asked someone at the end of that avalanche that had happened. The class had ended the teacher had to go in a wake. And released the staff. I turned away and went back to the bar.
I changed the beer for a few shots of whiskey, needed to stay sober, at least until you find the address. Finished the first pack of cigarettes, bought another and sets out to find my prize.
The night was no big deal, it was raining and very cold. Walked freezing, my feet soaked puddles of water that could not take. I found the place, an old mansion with abandoned aspect. I looked twice to the number. It should be there, many young people in and out. I began to hear the music that came from within. I passed the front door and a small group was dancing in what seemed like a room, other groups against the walls, bar, sitting on the stairs leading to the second floor. It was one of those alternative festivals that take place every day in a different place, had something playful. I crossed the room to the makeshift bar and bought a beer. I looked in the back and realized I had some feet of wall where no one underlay. I walked over, had a chair against the wall. I sat on the floor cross-legged, like an Indian of any American movie. I threw away the plastic cup and started to drink straight in the neck of the bottle.
A girl stood in front of me and looked at me, returns the look.
- This chair is occupied? She asked, pointing with his hand toward the chair.
- What did you say? I Asked.
- The chair! This busy!
- The chair, no. She just this al.
She laughed and sat in the chair, drinking his beer and watching the movement. I kept looking too. I realized in the middle of the track the blonde and the redhead dancing with a couple of guys dressed and fed, the kind who frequent gyms and clubs, the kind that is always high.
- This cool the party, do not you think? She said.
- Yes. I said.
- You do architecture?
- Do Not.
- I'm in the first half.
- Cool.
I continued drinking while she seemed to think the next sentences. I just wanted to drink, listen to music and stay in mine. At night this is perfectly predictable. Nothing new. Continued drinking and the music this good.
- I live with a friend, we are splitting an apartment nearby. She said.
- Cool. I said.
- My friend was traveling this weekend, and I was alone.
- Cool.
- I'll get another beer, you want? She said.
- Can you bring me another. I said, and took a five and reached for her.
Goodbye my fiver. I thought, as she was moving away toward the bar. Really a beautiful girl and gentle. Never again she would come back, the place was getting full. I sat in the chair to keep his place. She going and taking along my hopes. Distracts me watching the dancing staff.
She came back with two bottles, smiling and moving almost like dancing, you could see he was very happy. I grabbed my beer and got up from his place, returning to sit on the floor.
- Thank you!
- I do have to thank you. For you face this crowd.
- Took me a while, there were many people at the counter.
- Not realized.
- What will you do after here?
- I'm going home.
- My apartment is near here.
- I live in the mill. What this finding of the course?
- Cool! My friend just back on Sunday.
- It might be the end of week alone.
- Yup.
She was looking at me with those big eyes honey color, your hair smooth and black, framing her face thin and delicate features, only his lips were full and well designed, had moist and very provocative lips, matching her eyes invited me.
- You're from Porto Alegre? She asked.
- No, I'm from the inside and you? I said.
- So am I.
We stayed a long time talking on the inside, the capital, party, university. A subject pulling the other. A beer after another, and she always kind fetching more and more. Until I ran out of money and she still bringing. We were getting higher and cheerful. Dancing at the party corner. She paused for a bookcase and was just looking at me, smiled and put her arms around my neck, almost touching his mouth on my ear.
- You want to know my apartment. She said and walked away, still looking at me and smiling.
I could not believe it had found a winning ticket. I smiled back, and she pulled me out of the party by the hand. We walked to the other side of the street. A beautiful modern building. We entered through the intercom. I was sleeping and took the elevator.
10:00 am the morning walking down Aranha, a hot and sunny morning, I tried my sunglasses in his shirt pocket. Some fleches of what had happened came to my mind still drunk. I crossed the redemption towards Azenha. One fine morning. In the trees, some pools of water. The smell of wet earth and plants. Where I had left my notebooks? What was her name? What a perfect heat was that?


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Forma ou fôrma - qual o correto?

As palavras  forma   e   fôrma   existem na língua portuguesa e estão corretas. Podemos utilizar a palavra forma (com a vogal o aberta) como sinônimo de feitio ou para referir a forma conjugada do verbo formar e as palavras fôrma e forma (com a vogal o fechada) como sinônimo de molde. A utilização do acento diferencial é facultativa desde a entrada em vigor do Novo Acordo Ortográfico.   Exemplos – forma (timbre aberto):  Mexer é a forma correta de escrita desta palavra, porque é com x e não com ch.  Sua boa forma é invejável!  A professora forma a fila dos alunos no pátio da escola.  Exemplos – forma (timbre fechado) ou fôrma:  Você tem alguma forma de bolo para me emprestar?  Você tem alguma fôrma de bolo para me emprestar?  Este sapato tem uma forma pequena.  Este sapato tem uma fôrma pequena.  Antigamente, o acento circunflexo era usado para diferenciar a palavra forma (o aberto) da palavra fôrma (o fechado). Contudo, a reforma ortográfica de 1971 aboliu a utilização de acentos

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